Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thomas Holton

Thomas Holton is a photographer who was chosen as the Top 10 Photo Assistant's by American Photo in 2006. When I was brand spanking new in the city Thomas was a very positive spirit to meet and shared great insights about the city and our crazy photo industry. I recently was pleasantly surprised to learn that Thomas has taken a few trips to India and is doing a very interesting project about a train station in the holy city of Varanasi. There was no doubt in my mind that the images would be a blog post as soon as I set sight on them. Thomas is also currently teaching photography at ICP. Eye candy hunters, please do visit his website in order to learn more about him.holton1 holton2holton3holton4

Living Tapestry

Sandhya Kochar is an installation artist that puts countless hours into creating what she calls The Living Tapestry. Sandhya designs in CAD, drills holes, suspends hundreds of test tubes using fishing line, grafts plants, waters them individually and over several laborious months of tight planning and hours of pain staking execution. This is born. Her website is currently under construction. I had the good fortune of making images of her artwork. I will update Ishaara, once it is completed and launched.


Here is another installation purely made with test tubes that have fiber optic cable dangling through them. This installation is connected to a switch that turns these fiber optic cables on. Here are a few views of these installations at day and then at night. These installations look like constellations, it was fascination shooting these pieces of art.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Viewers Choice Winner

picture-3I was just informed that I won the viewers choice award for the Eye on the strand photo contest. Its a small victory. This result is only for the viewers choice award, the actual judging results wont be announced until July but for right now I'm just happy about this news. The contest was to make an image in the Strand book store. Here was my premise for the contest. 

Strand, The dreamer's land.

Katelyn always wanted to be on a book cover. Having heard about this photo contest, my intention was to find Katelyn a befitting book that her face deserved. After an ardent search, the perfect book presented itself and it was so appropriately found in the "Hurt Art Books" section of the second floor. In a small alleyway of the strand book store where a muted palette of novels enveloped us, Katelyn's dream came alive. With 18 miles of endless possibilities, Strand gives all of us dreamers, the perfect environment to walk in, open up a book and dream again.


Cubie and Sam

I met Ian Cubie in Ohio. Ian was 21 and told me he was a baker. Ian also didn't go to school anymore, he said he just likes to bake, so he took a job in a local bakery. Ian said he woke up at 4 am & prepped for fresh bread; he said he loved the way it smelled.
This dapper young man is 11 years old and called Sam Williams. Sam was handsome, no doubt, but he also had the energy of a, well, 11 year old. I don't get to see a lot of people of that age often, not in my youngin' New York City circle. Sam was a race horse but also intriguingly had a very centering spirit. He was bouncing a second before he held that fantastic composure in shot 2.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is a Spanish singer called Bebe, I am sure she is old news to people who keep up on the spanish music radar but I just happened to come upon this song via Pandora and just cannot get enough of it! She has a beautiful raspy texture to her voice and also is so beautiful to look at. I am currently totally addicted. If you care to listen please plug in headphones or some decent speakers. The song deserves it.

Little Sully

_ret01182Last month I was in Gambier, Ohio in a beautiful house built by the owners and my good friends, Matt Sullivan & Heather Doherty. Heather is a Botanist and a Conservationist at heart. This girl is one of my favorite people from Ohio and right now, she has a little papoo growing inside of her.

I had the pleasure of photographing her in all her grandeur. As I post these images Heather is having a Baby Shower back at her lovely home. This post is in honor of that. Here are some of my favorites images from our shoot. This is for you Heather. A little memory for the slowly baking bun in your oven. _ret00072_ret0146a