Last month I made a trip to New Mexico for Review Santa Fe. Perfect reason to stop over in Albuquerque! I made my maiden voyage to the Levy Gallery and finally got to put faces to the names that have come to become extremely important for me in the last few months. Alexandra Strobel pictured below is standing next to Richard and both were a delight to get to know. We looked at my prints in order to make some decisions for "Paani" my upcoming solo show. Also was great to see some of my work already hanging in the gallery space when I arrived.
Pictured above is the stylish miss Viviette Hunt who is the gallery director of Richard's ship. Viviette and Richard have worked together for ten years! Viviette took me on a memorable hike through the Sandias. Below is an image of the heavenly New Mexico sky from our hike. This is to commemorate the first of many good times, thank you for a lovely time miss Viviette.
Also as Richard showed me around in his hometown I was shocked to see some of the craziest new age architecture I've seen in a while
Yes, these are homes that people live in, yes the people who live in these home are famous architects that defy the idea of a four walled home. I will update this post with names soon but I felt for a moment that I was on a different planet.
I returned only to get entrenched, full fledged, into the solo show. Here are some production moments! The show is officially shipped and delivered and the opening reception is July 17th! The show will hang from July 9th to August 29th. Swing by if you happen to be there.
nice. thanks ! Here's to us ! come back anytime !