Monday, August 30, 2010
Old 33, final piece in hand!
I am very excited to share this latest project with you all! I was hired to do the photography for Megan Palmer’s new album Old 33. Megan is extremely passionate musician with tons of talent to back it up, and yay, the production work on the album just wrapped up! Art direction and design of the package was done by the very talented Bill Gaines. On 18th of September at the Rockwood Music Hall, Megan Palmer will have the official NYC CD Release of Old 33. If you're in town swing by I am certainly going to be there.

News from the East & West
Humble apologies, my friends sometimes too much time goes by in between my posts. Between shooting some personal, some commercial work life takes over and well before you know it its been over a couple weeks!
I just wanted to say a big thanks to Nicole Pasulka who did a fantastic Interview of my work titled In the flow. A screen grab of the interview is below. Also I was just selected as a Critical Mass 2010 finalist. Critical Mass is a competition put on by Photolucida which is a contemporary photo organization is based in Portland, Oregon. Almost 600 entries this year pre screened by a hundred plus jurors lead to a finalist list of 175 which I was humbly included in. Those who continue on in the top 175 Finalists will have their work seen, and voted on, by over 200 jurors which will lead to a Top 50 list regarded as highly prestigious to be a part of. I am in the final round so wish me luck folks! At least 20 of these 175 people who got selected I personally know, love and think off highly! So it's a stiff competition to say the least.

Also I was honored to be invited by Ann Pallesen, the all too charming Gallery Director of PCNW, (Photographic Centre North West) for PhotoLust which is a photography fun raiser auction with a fantastic line up of artists! Keith Carter, Matthew Pillsbury, Daniel Shea, Joni Sternbach and Jock Sturges are in the show to name a random few... here is a link to the list of all invited artists for this show. If you live in Seattle, show some love for for the contemporary photo scene on October 2nd which is also incidentally the birth date of the great Mahatma Gandhi. To buy tickets for this event click here. The Photolust auction will take place both silently and live, so please support!
I just wanted to say a big thanks to Nicole Pasulka who did a fantastic Interview of my work titled In the flow. A screen grab of the interview is below. Also I was just selected as a Critical Mass 2010 finalist. Critical Mass is a competition put on by Photolucida which is a contemporary photo organization is based in Portland, Oregon. Almost 600 entries this year pre screened by a hundred plus jurors lead to a finalist list of 175 which I was humbly included in. Those who continue on in the top 175 Finalists will have their work seen, and voted on, by over 200 jurors which will lead to a Top 50 list regarded as highly prestigious to be a part of. I am in the final round so wish me luck folks! At least 20 of these 175 people who got selected I personally know, love and think off highly! So it's a stiff competition to say the least.
Also I was honored to be invited by Ann Pallesen, the all too charming Gallery Director of PCNW, (Photographic Centre North West) for PhotoLust which is a photography fun raiser auction with a fantastic line up of artists! Keith Carter, Matthew Pillsbury, Daniel Shea, Joni Sternbach and Jock Sturges are in the show to name a random few... here is a link to the list of all invited artists for this show. If you live in Seattle, show some love for for the contemporary photo scene on October 2nd which is also incidentally the birth date of the great Mahatma Gandhi. To buy tickets for this event click here. The Photolust auction will take place both silently and live, so please support!
contest news,
Group Show,
Shows and Exhibitions
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Railroad Earth
I just got commissioned by a label in New York to create album art for the band Railroad Earth. Railroad Earth has some sweet tunes & the musicians were a complete riot to work with. The production for this shoot came together last minute and was nothing short of complete camaraderie. All I can say is the Hasselblad H4d40, three assistants, a fog machine, a few lights and 10 people in the Delaware gave rise to this image. A shout out to Jonathan Chang my client in nyc and Brian Ross in LA for for being so hands on with everything.

album art,
Railroad Earth
Colin's House
For years I have been hearing from everyone in my husbands family about summer vacations spent in Colin's house. My husband Bill Gaines and his siblings Kenny and Terri have had irreplaceable childhood memories that all took place on Mr. Colin's Property. Cabins with a musty scent, eroding sandpits, seaweed, secrets interlaced, told, forgotten. This summer three generations of the gaines's... grand papa and mama Gaines, their children, spouses and the grandchildren all went down to visit their landmark summer spot.
I not only got to visit Colin's home which is on a beautiful lake in Massachusetts but also got to spend a lot of time there exploring the space. As the Gaines family lead me on guided tours telling me stories of what happened and where all over that topography, I felt as if I was taking a walk into history; Into rooms and landscapes that were shaped for me just as much with that New England earth and air, as they were with reverie and fantasy. Presenting to you spotty glimpses of the fabled home of Colin Taylor.

I not only got to visit Colin's home which is on a beautiful lake in Massachusetts but also got to spend a lot of time there exploring the space. As the Gaines family lead me on guided tours telling me stories of what happened and where all over that topography, I felt as if I was taking a walk into history; Into rooms and landscapes that were shaped for me just as much with that New England earth and air, as they were with reverie and fantasy. Presenting to you spotty glimpses of the fabled home of Colin Taylor.
Colin Taylor,
New England,
new work,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Installation shots of Paani at Richard Levy Gallery
My show has been up for half a month at Richard Levy Gallery and here are some installation shots from it. Thank you Jonathan Blaustein for the shout on A photo Editor, Thank you Elizabeth Avedon , Stella Kramer, David Bram and Andy Adams for tweeting and spreading the word on this show! The opening was well attended and the response was heartwarming. Here are glimpses into the space and layout!

New Mexico,
Shows and Exhibitions,
Solo show,
Solo Shows
Friction Lesson
After ages, I was contacted by Hannah Stephenson, a client from several years ago. Hannah as I remembered had a way with words which lead me to no surprise when she reintroduced herself as a contemporary poet authoring a charming and well attended blog called the Storialist. Hannah writes a new freshly brewed poem on her blog everyday and she happened to come across my work on Burn magazine online. It was so humbling to be contacted and told that my body of work was an inspiration for a poem she wrote. I share with you Hannah's poem and I also dug up an image of hers from my archive to go with this post. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Thank you Hannah!
Friction Lesson
by Hannah Stephenson
Tell me what happened, the way you, a boy, convinced another boy to kiss you on his sofa after school.
Tell me how you persuaded him wordlessly, one hand in the crease of the sofa’s yielding cushions, the other just above his knee, your fingers brushing corduroy the wrong way.
Tell me how you persuaded him wordlessly, one hand in the crease of the sofa’s yielding cushions, the other just above his knee, your fingers brushing corduroy the wrong way.
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