Saturday, January 29, 2011


I was recently selected to travel to Santader, Spain for an art Exhibit/festival titled Espacio Nudage. You can find out more about the event and how I came to be selected here.

I just wanted so give a quick shout to the fabulous team and experiences I had with everyone I met in Spain. Here is an image from the streets of Santander. A full description on the highlights, artists and organizers I met there will follow very shortly. In the mean time I will leave you with this image that I took on my way out of the city.


  1. Hi there, just wanted to drop you a line and say that i really like your work. Came across an article on you and your work (on the shower series) in the Indian Forbes. Intrigued, i checked out your website and so on. I wont pretend to be an expert in photography (nowhere close) but i did enjoy it. Cheers and happy clicking! :)

  2. [...] and has been shadowing me for Darshan for the last several weeks. Roberto and I met in spain during “Espacio Nudage” a festival we were both invited and selected to attend in Spain this January. Roberto assisted me [...]
